My experience in college essay
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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Research Manipulation
Question: Are these deceptive insights or examination extortion? Answer: According to the perception of the given video, the significant concern is Dr. Anil Potti, who was professed to control information of clinical malignant growth research for setting up his disease research methodology. It is an examination extortion. It has been discovered that his technique fizzled with the first information however got victories with controlled information (Fuerst, 2012). This rate was about a clinical preliminary where a patient, Julia Jacobs kicked the bucket following three months of the clinical preliminary. These sorts of exploration fakes are more typical than cutoff points of human recognition. In this unique circumstance, research labs ought to present further developed survey group through the arrangement of satisfactory preparing. The degree of withdrawals is upgrading and these fraudsters are setting new records like Dr. Potti, who is working in South Carolina as a malignant growth specialist and his online profile is demonstrating his critical commitment in lung disease research (Fuerst, 2012). To lessen these sorts of extortion cases, increasingly productive institutional audit board ought to be built up. In the event that somebody is appeared to do this sort of examination misrepresentation, the outcomes should prompt his pay for this. The examination permit ought to be prohibited. The preparation and coaching projects ought to be set up with improved quality. These cases appeared in the video are sorted as examination misrepresentation, not deluding insights, as the information were being controlled for building up the exploration technique (Fang, Steen Casadevall, 2012). A strategy, recognizing the vital commitments of informants could be presented for viable assurance measures in the research facilities. Likewise, another significant point is that, following tending to these realities, the paper ought to be restricted for free (Fang, Steen Casadevall, 2012). Reference List Tooth, F. C., Steen, R. G., Casadevall, A. (2012). Unfortunate behavior represents most of withdrew logical publications.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,109(42), 17028-17033. Fuerst, H. (2012). Duke Clinical Trials - an hour. YouTube. Recovered 19 March 2016, from
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Damascus Experience essays
Damascus Experience articles I chose to do my paper on Acts 9:1 however Acts 9:9. I picked this section since I trust it had a tremendous effect in Christianity. After his experience out and about, Paul got one of the most powerful men in the Bible. He additionally composed 66% of the New Testament. Paul was one of the most smart men of his time. This is the reason his transformation was so significant. Luke composed this book. It was composed around 62 A.D. This was a letter initially written to Theophilus. The motivation behind composition to Theophilus was to give him more noteworthy understanding into the beginnings of Christianity. It is believed that he was a changed over Gentile. This extraordinary occasion happened headed straight toward Damascus. Saul was an individual from the Sanhedrin. It was the center of the day, and Gods light sparkled more splendid than the sun. The brilliant light blinded Paul, perhaps to give him his visual impairment in abuse. Paul was overwhelmed when he heard I am Jesus, whom you mistreat. Since he encountered this occasion himself, there was no chance he could deny it. He comprehended that this vision was from the God he had been attempting to serve, just to discover that he had gravely misjudged God. He spared Saul in the nick of time. He was taking requests from the consecrated minister of the Sanhedrin, which gave him, capacity to remove all Christians who had fled because of abuse. Saul was known as the most ardent agent of the Jewish people group when it came to mistreatment. Saul accepted he was being strict and making the best choice in mistreating Christians. The primary topic is salvation, straightforward. The Lord spared Paul from an existence of wrongdoing. Thusly, The Lord likewise spared numerous lives by turning around Pauls convictions when he did. Who knows what number of would have kicked the bucket if Paul and his company would have executed in Damascus. This is the manner by which the section goes as per me: Saul was looking at mishandling and killing Christians. He goes to the supervisor to ask f ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mudik in Indonesia Free Essays
The convention of mudik or home for these special seasons is found in numerous nations. For what reason is this custom so solid in specific social orders? Does it despite everything have a spot in today’s world? Mudik is an Indonesian expression used to portray when somebody who lives from home is getting back home for these special seasons. This convention is frequently observed during incredible occasions, for example, Christmas and Eid-ul-Fitr. We will compose a custom exposition test on Mudik in Indonesia or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now In Indonesia, for instance, upwards of 30 million individuals go mudik on Eid-ul-Fitr in 2011. A great many people do mudik action since they need to rejoin with their families subsequent to being ceaselessly for working or reading for quite a while. A few social orders imagine that mudik is a consecrated convention, since they typically just do that once every year on the extraordinary occasions. Around then, they feel that they have to see their relatives and reinforce the relationship with them by getting to know one another. Besides, those occasions are fundamental in both culture and religion matters, and in this manner, individuals are eager to go for a significant distance trip home to commend them. Numerous individuals living far away from home in large urban areas don't just do mudik as a convention, yet in addition as motivation to flee from urban life and to feel again the environment of the home where their cherished recollections be. For example, the pressure I had brought from the urban city unexpectedly vanished when I ate my mother’s cooking that I generally missed. These days, the quantity of individuals go mudik is expanding after some time. One reason is the expanding level of salary, so more individuals can bear to purchase travel tickets or even drive their own private vehicles as transport implies. A point they have which is to be back again with their families. They will experience any obliges just to feel again their ah, back home again climate. Step by step instructions to refer to Mudik in Indonesia, Essay models
What Does It Mean to Be a Professional free essay sample
I'm not catching It's meaning To Be a Professional? Being an expert has various authority implications. Being an expert in the United States military can be estimated best by the capacity of a Soldier to do their activity effectively, carefully, and actually. How a Soldier prepares, performs and hold themselves to the Army Values and the Army Standards makes the United States military the most first class battling power on the planet. Polished methodology is the way in to any activity, yet maybe more so with regards to the military. The idea of war itself, maybe the most ruthless and dangerous power confronting humankind, necessitates that the individuals who do the battling do as such with outrageous degrees of control, responsibility, and expertise which make up certain parts of polished skill. Polished skill isn't about that individual, the worth that individual places on themselves or the information that they have. Polished skill is about the worth that is place on others and how that worth applies as far as anyone is concerned. We will compose a custom article test on I don't get It's meaning to Be a Professional? or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At the point when somebody is perceived as a genuine expert, regardless of what their vocation is, they acquire the trust and regard of the individuals who are around them. Much of the time, even the individuals who can't help contradicting them will in any case regard them. They will likewise upgrade their own degree of sense of pride through rehearsing demonstrable skill. Acting in an expert way will help them in their profession movement and furnish them with the chance to impact partners, clients and even administrators. Polished skill goes past close to home qualities and incorporates how somebody manages certain circumstances. Individuals that are altogether proficient, exhibit an adjusted character. An expert ought to have a lot of information, both for a fact and preparing or tutoring. Respect, notoriety, and reliability are probably the most significant characteristics that an expert ought to have. Polished skill is significant. Experts hold themselves to the most elevated potential guidelines. A genuine expert gets took note
Friday, August 21, 2020
Leadership :: essays research papers
Administration When Ronald Reagan stated, "What I'd truly prefer to do is go down in history as the President who caused Americans to have faith in themselves again", he presumably was not contemplating the meaning of administration. Be that as it may, without acknowledging, he practically characterized it. I accept the meaning of authority is having an impact on others, and motivating them, yet having a physical effect in their lives (ideally positively). Without that perspective, there isn't just no compelling initiative, however there is no administration by any means. To have this capacity to establish connections and contrasts, you need relational abilities. One who can not impart well will never be a pioneer. A pioneer must realize how to talk so his thoughts are comprehended in the right way. Ronald Reagan own one of a kind moniker was "The Great Communicator." The models that demonstrate his moniker genuine are his extraordinary acting abilities, the way that his converses with the Soviet Union push to the Russian advance toward private enterprise. The following part of powerful administration is the capacity to decide to change, and not generally adhere to the norm. What great is a pioneer who is scared of progress? Regardless of monetary mishaps, President Reagan diminished government spending immensely, and slice back on business guidelines to fortify the business area of the economy. By rolling out this improvement, the expansion rate fell 13% to 2%, and made a large number of occupations for Americans. At the point when Reagan entered office, the joblessness rate was 10.8%, when he left it was 5.3%. This financial development would have never come if Reagan didn't have the will to change. Despite the fact that Reagan's expression sounds fruitful, there were numerous issues. Disappointment is a part of authority whether we need to in all honesty. The sedate hazard, loss of global seriousness, falling guidelines in instruction, and the rising national obligation were the entirety of Reagan's imperfections. In any case, to be a successful pioneer, one must understand that there will be imperfections, for example, Reagan experienced in his term, and it is the successful pioneer's obligation to attempt to
The Godfathers management
The Godfathers the board Presentation Principles of the executives are slanted in the executives ideas and hypotheses to guarantee fruitful administration is accomplished. The article will coordinate administration standards and speculations in ‘The Godfather’ film to assist us with understanding how much administration practices and applied.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on â€Å"The Godfather’s†the executives explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management standards fluctuate from association to association and are viewed as fundamental and accommodating segments of fruitful administration. In endeavoring to arrive at hierarchical objectives and using rare assets, the investigation thoroughly analyzes initiative and the board aptitudes with an end goal to achieve these objectives. To accomplish this, the executives forms have been partitioned into rules that incorporate morals, dynamic, arranging, sorting out, group building, culture, insp iration impacting and controlling and administration. Inspiration Lamp (1968) examination gives that great administration abilities are significant asset in an association and in employees’ lives. The film ‘The Godfather’ (1972) covers the fundamental standards of the board and presents ideas and speculations predominant in everyday running of associations. Inspiration assumes a significant job in making and impacting the assessment of representatives in an association. It does this by connecting the thoughts of the association with their representatives whereby the administrator go down their topics to their colleagues consequently changing the manner in which they see certain issues. Sound administration requires vital arranging and setting of an association in blend with the coordination and get together of assets and workers with the objective of arriving at targets. As indicated by Lamp (1968) there exists an immediate connection among inspiration and what t he workers are giving the association. In this relationship the job of chief worker is to produce data from a chain of relations and impacts and the job of the administrators is to derive and assess the data from the representatives and create other data outside of the media viewpoints. Sound administration requires vital arranging and setting with the coordination and get together of assets and representatives with the objective of arriving at association targets. Community oriented endeavors from workers and different assets close by what Lamp (1968) states as â€Å"knowing what you need individuals to do, at that point getting them to do it in the best way†(p.1) is expected of acceptable administration and initiative abilities in affecting objectives in an association. Comparable to The Godfather (1972) film Don Corleone contends to Sollonzo that†¦. I said that I will see you since I had heard that you were a genuine man, to be treated with deference. However, I shou ld disapprove of you and met me give you my reasons. It’s genuine I have a great deal of companions in legislative issues (1).Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To accomplish this, the executives forms have been separated into rules that incorporate morals, dynamic, arranging, sorting out, group building, culture, inspiration affecting and controlling and administration. Ongoing exploration endeavors by Sinclair (2004) recommends that administration is a ceaseless procedure and the referenced standards are interlaced all through administration works and requires cautious coordination so as to boost their worth. Note that these standards are all inclusive and compelling and productive utilization of them will give best practices. This is as aftereffect of their ability to arrive at a wide scope of association capacities with a ground-breaking and changing messag e. Arranging and Decision Making Planning requires satisfactory course of action of association objectives and anticipating how best to accomplish them. It requires designation of specific errands to workers and directions on how and when they will be performed. Generally, arranging gives a theoretical structure where an association diagrams its destinations on the most proficient method to be effective. In spite of the fact that this may require some serious energy, cooperation and coordination among representatives and aptitude is required. Sinclair (2004) compactly expresses that â€Å"Effective arranging requires exertion and capacity to take expansive target view†(p.1). He further orders dynamic among the focal component of arranging when he expressed that â€Å"it includes choosing the best game-plan to accomplish success†(p.1). Comparable to this announcement, Michael converses with Johnny Fontane in The Godfather (1972) film that†¦ Corleone family is con sidering surrendering the entirety of its enthusiasm for the olive oil business, setting out there. Presently, Moe Greene will sell us a lot of the inn and the gambling club with the goal that it very well may be totally possessed by the family. Tom (1). Michael includes another announcement that†¦Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on â€Å"The Godfather’s†the board explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More I’ll make him an offer he can’t’ decline. You see Moe, Johnny, we feel that diversion will be a major factor in bringing speculators into the club. We’re trusting that you’ll sign an agreement consenting to seem 5 times each year. Maybe persuade some regarding your companions in the films to do likewise. We’re depending on you, Johnny (1). This statement explains that sorting out to claim the lodging and Casino by Corleone family is an arranging procedure and dynamic comparable to marking an agreement to be a piece of the business is itself associated with the executives hypothesis. Arranging is for sure the establishment and the focal component required for the accomplishment of any association. Since it’s interrelated to different standards, Sinclair (2004) proposes the accompanying arranging procedure to be of foremost significance in giving prescribed procedures. Demonstrating clear association targets to empower appropriate arranging. Proposing elective systems of arriving at organization targets Develop a few presumptions whereupon every elective will be based Selecting the best option for showing up at association goals Strategizing plans to seek after the chose choices To adjust the guideline of arranging, chiefs are required to place their arrangements enthusiastically sorting out can not profit until the plans are placed vigorously; both short plans are placed without hesitation; both short plans and long plans. Sorting out Organizing can be charact erized as designation of assignments to different people and gatherings. Just put as placing plan without hesitation, relegating undertakings to various people add to accomplishing association objectives. Sinclair (2004) additionally makes reference to that utilizing assets fittingly and creating tangible designs to arrive at association objectives is a first method for enacting plans. Since getting sorted out is another method for getting associate with the association and individuals, Sinclair (2004) specifies the accompanying strides to be of fundamental significance in arranging process Making references to past plans and destinations Establish significant obligations in an association Sub-isolating significant errands into little units as a methodology to assist representatives with getting to the subtleties Allocating assets to various individuals and offices in type of work gatherings, advisory groups and groups. Playing out an end year assessment of the company’s goal s Coordination is another essential sorting out target that guarantees proficiency and viability of an administrator. Sinclair (2004) further notices the advantages to remember better association for asset the executives, underpins activity advancement and obligation, while keeping up order and states clear obligations. Correspondence Communication is a method for impacting individuals or managing the exercises of association members’ towards certain vital heading. Impacting has additionally been referenced by Sinclair (2004) as method for â€Å"motivating, coordinating and leading†(p.1). Correspondence is among the top considered procedures in the executives procedure with a definitive objective accomplishing hierarchical objectives. Correspondence objectives ought to line up with association targets paying little heed to their predefined destinations, for example, expanded profitability, cash overflow and increment employments. Sinclair (2004) sees that â€Å"a dir ector must be able to impact representatives to achieve these objectives and missions of the organization†(p.4).Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More In correspondence stream, The Godfather (1972) quotes†¦ I have a nostalgic soft spot for my youngsters and I ruin them, as should be obvious. They talk when they ought to tune in. At any rate, Signor Sollozzo, my no to you is conclusive (1). It tends to be said that individuals will consistently be impacted by correspondence in various manners yet nonetheless, this depends on what the objective representatives need to get from working in an association. Successful correspondence and productive input framework are among the best administration standards expected of an association. The thought could be built up that relational abilities, for example, a successful communicator assumes a noteworthy job in guaranteeing association achieve its objectives. This helps representatives with understandings basic issues that administrators feel their objective divisions should know. Sinclair (2004) explains his point by expressing that â€Å"good supervisor ought to understand that employe e’s need data to carry out their responsibilities and aren’t reluctant to share that data and knowing the estimation of criticism and keeping the entryways open for input framework from employees†(p.1) is of essential significance. Inspiration Analysis A r
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Justifying the Ways of God to Men Context and Ideology in Paradise Lost and The Pilgrims Progress - Literature Essay Samples
‘I may assert eternal providence, And justify the ways of God to men.’ (Book I, II. 25-26, p. 4) It would be strange for any reader not to see that John Milton’s most famous work, Paradise Lost, is a deeply religious text, simply by glancing at its title; when one reads the epic it suggests that Milton felt convinced of his faith as a Protestant Christian considering the effort, time, and the several references to the Bible found within it. However, whatever Milton’s conviction was with regards to religion, his famous words found above also show that there was a certain sense of ‘the failure of religion’ at the beginning of the long eighteenth century. Why does he need to ‘justify the ways of God to men’ (emphasis added)? If God’s ways need to be justified, surely such a justification is in reaction to doubts and criticism cast on God and religion in the first place. John Bunyan also begins his most famous work, The Pilgrim’s Progress, by acknowledging a sense of unease with regards to religion was not uncommon. In an attempt to relate to the audience, Bunyan asks ‘Wouldst thou read Riddles, and their Explanation, / Or else be drownded in thy Contemplation?’ (p. 7). Though both works are in support of Christianity, both works seem to be in response to difficulties found within Christianity, and I will argue this case with particular regard to the divisions within Christianity as well as to the growing popularity of atheism with the rise of science. Both authors experienced the entirety of the Civil War, from 1642 1651, which was caused in part due to conflicting views on religion. As Pauline Gregg argues in King Charles I, there was ‘dissension within the reformed, Protestant religion itself’, and Charles’ marriage to Henrietta Maria, a Roman Catholic, in 1625 added to tensions found within the Protestant government. As Nigel Yates also argues, ‘It was the policy of religious integration which had been a major factor in bringing about the Civil Wars of the 1640s and the temporary abolition of the monarchy in Britain’. Both authors had grown up in a country in which ‘The established churches of the British Isles had, at no point since the Reformation, enjoyed a complete monopoly of religious belief and practiceFrom the early years of the seventeenthc-century groups of Protestant dissenters had seceded from the established churches that they considered insufficiently pure in their Protestan tism’. Clearly, ‘the failure of religion’ could be seen to be due to the lack of stability and unity within Christianity that had led to a nine-year Civil War. Milton seems to have responded to this failure of religion by attempting to emphasise the similarities found within all denominations of Christianity. After all, Milton dwells most of all on the Fall of Mankind, hence the title, which is a belief shared by all Christian denominations, and paraphrases Genesis, a book familiar to all Christian denominations, in Book VII, II. 243 534, beginning with God’s famous command ‘Let there be light’ (pp. 175-183). Milton’s reflections on the ‘Intestine war’ seem to reflect on the Civil War in Britain, with the ‘grim war’ being pointless when considering the peace that would ensue if all worshipped God unanimously, just as, in Britain, if all worshipped as one then a civil war could have been avoided (VI, 259, p. 149). Milton’s emphasis on God’s righteousness, with his ‘eternal providence’, seems to respond to Christianity’s divisions by suggesting there is si mply one God, who saved mankind from his ‘first disobedience’ with Christ’s grace (I, I. 25, p. 4, I, I. 1, p. 3). Bunyan, on the other hand, responded to this particular failing of Christianity in a different way, with a more aggressive manner. Perhaps Bunyan took a more aggressive stance due to his being ‘arrested and condemned on an ecclesiastical charge for refusal to hear divine service and receive the Sacrament’. When looking at Bunyan’s attack on Paganism and Catholicism, Bunyan notes that ‘two Giants, Pope and Pagan, dwelt in old time, by whose Power and Tyranny the Men whose bones, blood, ashes c. lay there, were cruelly put to death’ (p. 65). Bunyan makes it clear that the denominations of Christianity are, in his opinion, very divided, and, unlike Milton, his response to this particular failing of Christianity is to condemn the differing denominations, in order to emphasise the righteousness of his own Protestant belief s, and the ‘traditional view that the Pope was Antichrist’. Not only was there contention amongst the religious denominations, but there was a growing sense of scepticism towards religion, and a growing sense of the right to question God’s justness. Meric Casaubon’s work, The Originall Cause of Temporall Evils (1645), attempted to oppose the two ideas regarding evil’s origins that either God was of an envious nature, prompting him to let mankind fall, or that God is not omnipotent and could not prevent the fall. Either scenario paints God in a very questionable light. Milton seems to defend religion’s potential failings in Paradise Lost; Book V’s Argument notes that ‘God to render man inexcusable sends Raphael to admonish him of his obedience, of his free state, of his enemy near at hand’ (V. p. 115). Adam and Eve are made fully aware of the order not to eat the forbidden fruit, yet they both commit the deed regardless. Milton also makes clear that God is omnipotent and omniscient; he knows mank ind will fall before it does, as he ‘foretells the success of Satan in perverting mankind; clears his own justice and wisdom from all imputation, having created man free and able enough to have withstood his tempter’, six books before it happens in Paradise Lost (p. 61). God notes that ‘I made him just and right, / Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall’, for ‘Not free, what proof could they have given sincere / Of true allegiance, constant faith or love’ (III, II. 98-99, 103-104, p. 64). However, Milton also emphasises that, while mankind did fall because God allowed mankind free will, God also sacrifices his own son, Jesus Christ, to offer salvation. Christ’s offering of himself is emphasised to be the greatest sacrifice God could make, as Christ is his ‘sole complacence!’ and for mankind does he ‘spare / Thee from my bosom and right hand, to save, / By losing thee awhile, the whole race lost’ (III, II. 276-280, p. 69). Milton’s emphasis on the justness of providing man with free will, and the dear sacrifice God makes, both shows God’s undoubted benevolence as well as his omnipotence in being able to offer redemption in spite of man’s ‘first disobedience’ (I, I. 1, p. 3). While Milton emphasises God’s benevolence, Bunyan seems to take a stance in which God’s intolerance of evil is expressed. All of the characters, of which there are several, whose names represent a sin, fall on the pilgrimage, such as Mr. Mony-love, Mr. By-ends, Mr. Hold-the-world, and Mr. Save-all, who all ‘fell into the Pit’, tempted by Demas, the son of Judas (p. 108). God is just, in The Pilgrim’s Progress, by allowing only the righteous, such as Faithful, into Heaven, and one way in which Bunyan emphasises God’s omnipotence and righteousness is by using the one-dimensional names of the characters to show that God is undoubtedly right i n rejecting Sloth, for example, or for not letting Atheist ever find Heaven, but rather lets him wander for twenty years searching for it (p. 135). It is clear that such characters are unworthy of God’s glory, and it is also clear that they will suffer dearly for their turn away from God. Atheism was indeed another matter of contention with regards to the supposed failure of religion. Michel de Certeau points out that ‘in France in the early seventeenth century, atheism became the focus of not only a whole body of literature, but also of political measures, judicial sentences, and social precautions against atheists†¦.†Atheism†, which was never spoken of a hundred years earlier, becomes a recognized fact’. Gavin Hyman continues to add that ‘at the outset of modernity, minds in England and France are beginning to be afflicted and plagued with doubts, [and] the term â€Å"atheism†is being used here [in the seventeenth century] more in the manner of an accusation, a term of abuse’. Milton and Bunyan both take a similar stance in response to the idea of atheism. Halfway through Book I, Milton mentions the story of Eli, a priest whose profligate sons lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle; ‘w hen the priest / Turns atheist, as did Eli’s sons, who filled / With lust and violence the house of God’ (I, II. 494-496, p. 20). Undoubtedly, this reflection on atheism is disapproving, and Milton echoes the doomed fate of Eli’s house for the acts against God (1 Samuel 2-4). Unlike the idea of uniting denominations, Milton seems to take a clear stance on atheists’ irreparable fates, just as Bunyan does so. As mentioned beforehand, Bunyan includes an atheist as one of his characters, who ‘fell into a very great Laughter’ at the idea of Christian and Hopeful’s pilgrimage (p. 135). The atheist’s claim that he has ‘been seeking this City this twenty years’ echoes Ecclesiastes, Chapter 10, Verse 15, that ‘the toil of a fool wearies him, for he does not know the way to the city’. Bunyan portrays the atheist as ignorant, both because shortly afterwards Hopeful and Christian do make it to Mount Sion, and by re ferencing the Bible. As Christopher Hill asserted, ‘The Bible is Bunyan’s sheet-anchor, his defense against despair and atheism’. The seventeenth century enjoyed ‘a particularly rich time for reading and rereading the Bible†¦.Private Bible reading was, after all, one of the linchpins of the Reformation’. Bunyan’s response to atheism therefore was to reinforce what the Bible says regarding a lack of belief, and, considering the vast majority of his readers would be familiar with the Bible, this was likely to be an effective way to emphasise the importance of religion to the country, and to respond to the potential disinterest concerning Christianity by providing such messages through a story of battles, heroes, and villains. With consideration of how important religion appeared to be, both authors responded to the idea of the failure of religion by stressing the consequences of leading an irreligious life, in which God is abandoned, with the fearsome descriptions of Hell in contrast to the beauties of Heaven. Book I of Paradise Lost quickly moves onto a description of Hell, with the rebellious angels ‘Hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky / With hideous ruin and combustion down / To bottomless perdition, there to dwell / In adamantine chains and penal fire, / Who durst defy the omnipotent to arms’. In this fantastic description, Milton contrasts the ‘ethereal’ Heaven with the ‘hideous ruin and combustion’ of Hell, emphasising that this is the consequence for those ‘Who durst defy the omnipotent to arms’. The continued description of the horrors of Hell (pp. 5 6) is powerfully contrasted with the single line ‘O how unlike the place from wh ence they fell!’ (I, I. 75, p. 6), which pitifully stresses how indescribably far the angels have fallen. The terrors of Hell are a powerful way of discouraging an irreligious lifestyle, and the revelations that Michael the archangel reveals to Adam in Book XI, such as the immoral lifestyle of ‘luxury and riot, feast and dance, / Marrying or prostituting, as befell, / Rape or adultery’ leads to the ‘Flood [that] overwhelmed, and them with all their pomp / Deep under water rolled’ (XI, II. 715 717, II. 748-749, pp. 293-294). Milton’s descriptions of Hell, and the consequences of immoral lifestyles, perhaps responds to the idea of the failure of religion both for denominations which rebel against one another as well as atheists who reject God altogether. Similarly, Bunyan presents a terrible portrayal of Hell, in which all the sinful characters inevitably face their fate. While Heaven is presented as ‘the City [which] shone like the Sun, the Streets also were paved with Gold, and in them walked many men, with Crowns on their heads’, Vanity Fair is an immoral city in which ‘Lusts, Pleasures, and Delights of all sorts, as Whores, Bauds, Wives, Husbands’ reign; one does not need to be told that such lifestyles will lead to eternity in Hell (P. 162, p. 88). As a response to ‘the failure of religion’, both authors took a view which, while encouraging a religious life, was designed to terrify those who had denied religion in the past. Just as God is to be loved, both Johns show He is to be feared too. Paradise Lost and The Pilgrim’s Progress are both heavily involved in religion, and, while they both staunchly seem to support religion in justifying God and encouraging a religious life, such work would not be needed in a world in which religion had no failings whatsoever. Milton would not have felt a need to explain God’s ways, and justify his actions towards mankind, if Britain had never questioned God beforehand. Bunyan would not have needed to publish his work for the very same reasons, nor would he have added such views with regards to Catholicism if he himself had not failed somewhat concerning religion and Christian solidarity. Both texts make particularly notable points with regards to the issues of Christian denominations and a lack of belief, and such issues seem to have been the major ones with regards to the questioned ‘failure of religion’. However, with regards to ‘the failure of religion’, it is unlikely that both works would ha ve been so very popular if religion had failed entirely, and so, while the texts suggest religious issues were significant after the Restoration, the favourable responses to the texts themselves suggest religious matters were still of undisputed importance in the world.
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